
2024年秋季入学的一年级学生和转学生的在线住房申请和餐饮计划选择过程将于美国东部时间下午4:00开始 2024年3月15日.

When the housing application 和 dining selection 过程 opens, students with an 注册订金 or waiver on file can access the housing application by logging in to My.皇冠投注 using their 皇冠投注 network credentials. 在我.皇冠投注,导航到 自助服务. Select 学生中心 和 scroll to the bottom to find 个人信息. Select 申请房屋.

所有新录取的皇冠投注网学生都必须填写住房申请表,无论他们是计划住在校园里还是从家里通勤. First-year students may be placed in one of two different residence halls: 欧文顿的房子Residential College (ResCo). Depending on the number of transfer credits, transfer students may be placed in one of the following residence halls: 欧文顿的房子, Residential College (ResCo), 费尔文的房子, 公寓村, 南校区, or 皇冠投注露台.

如果在5月1日之前提交入学押金,所有入学的一年级学生都保证在学校有一个房间. Enrollment deposits are fully refundable through this date. 请注意, 您必须提交并处理500美元的注册押金,以便访问住房申请. Once the application opens, 学生通常会在提交入学押金的72小时内获得住房申请.

住房 和 Roommate Assignments

住房分配是根据住房申请中选择的房间偏好随机进行的. If a student’s first preference is unavailable, the system will move through the list of preferences until a placement is made. 住房分配和偏好并不取决于学生何时支付入学押金和/或完成住房申请. 皇冠投注鼓励一年级学生在入学前支付入学押金并完成住房申请 2024年5月5日. Applications received after this time will be given secondary review.

Roommate matches are made using our online roommate matching system, 根据在住房申请的“室友资料”页面上选择的个人偏好计算匹配百分比. These preferences include questions such as, “On an average weekday, what time do you go to bed?” 和 “How orderly do you prefer to keep your living space?“在5月中旬之前提出的共同室友请求将在房间分配过程中得到优先考虑.

Changes to the housing application, including roommate requests, can be made until June 1. 住宿和室友分配将于7月8日开始通知那些在5月5日之前完成入学押金和住宿申请的学生. 在5月5日之后完成住房申请的学生的作业将在7月8日之后进行滚动沟通.


Included in the housing application is an option to select a preferred dining plan. All students living in a 皇冠投注 residence hall are enrolled in a Residential 餐厅 Plan. 用餐计划包括刷卡以及可在校园内零售场所使用的Flex Dollars. For more information about dining plan options, visit our 餐厅的网站.


打算通勤的学生仍然必须完成住房申请,以寻求皇冠投注网居住政策(如下所列)之外的批准。. 打算通勤的学生需要按照住房申请流程中的说明选择学校 通勤的请求 过程. This step should be completed  by 5月5日 下午5点.


This website will be updated as the fall semester approaches. If specific questions not addressed here arise, feel free to 电子邮件皇冠投注.